Saturday, May 10, 2008


1. What is your funniest memory of Mom?

My funniest memory of Mom is her blowing her nose. She distrinctly had a one and only nose blowing. I will never forgot the time Jeff Pickles and L.A. were trying out his new tape recorder and we were all taking turns recording our voices on tape, something that was new to all of us. Then in the background of the tape you can hear whhhhhhhhhheeeeeewwwwwww - Mother blowing her nose. It was so funny. We played it over and over again, and laughed and laughed. Mother always had a sense of humor and taught us all how to laugh at things. I have laughed at times until I lose my breathe or wet my pants. Mother taught me how to laugh and have fun.

2. What lesson that she taught you stands out?

The one lesson that stands out is how to be responsible and do what you have to do. How not to play your sick. I used to be just a little bit sick with a cold or something, and say I didn't want to go to school that day. So Mom would say then you better stay home. Then as soon as the school bus had gone past our drive way where we caught the bus, all of a sudden I felt better again and would want to play. Mother would say "OK if you are feeling so good, we will clean out the cupboards, the closets, wash the floors and do a lot of work" Boy the next morning you were ready to catch that school bus on time and get to school. This taught me the loyalty to work hard and get done what you want to do. No sluffing off your duties or you would get twice as much work to do.

3. What is your favorite characteristic or personality trait about Mom? Mom was a very hard worker, she could work just as hard as any man. She was a good cook and always provided the family with three meals every day. I have been reading lately on how it is advantageous for a family to sit around the table as a family to eat your meals. Mother always insisted that we sit around the table and for breakfast we would always kneel by the our chair and have family prayer, and then get set up to the table and say the blessing on the food before we ate one bite of us meal. Mother was a great example for all of us to learn how to work, clean house and you always had to check the corners for dirt. She used to say that her Aunt Lyndy Gough said a house was not clean until the corners were clean. After visiting Holland and seeing the cleanliness in the country, I know why Mother was like she was. She would not go to bed at night with a dirty spoon in the sink. Her kitchen was always clean and tidy. Her ironing was starched and prim and properly creased. Even Daddy's hankies were ironed before putting them carefully in his drawer for use. Our bras and panties were ironed and starched too. Her laundry was even done by hand on a scrubbing board and the white socks especially were prewashed with Sunlight bar soap to keep them prestinely white. Mother was a clean freakbut she taught us girls how to do the same and pass it on to our daughters and sons.

4. What do you see in yourself that came from her, physically or in your personality?

Well one thing for sure is that I have hers and Grandma Sadie's feet. I also have the same look as mom in my face. Sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, I have to take a second look, especially when I get my hair permed in a curly perm. I think I look just like her. Personality wise I like to think that I am a jovial person. I surely like to laugh and have fun, especially when my family gets together. I love to talk and visit with family. I miss seeing everybody on a regular basis.

5. List as many things as possible that she has done for you.

She has taught me how to be a better person. She taught me manners. She taught me a sense of pride in dressing. (She used to line us girls up at the cupboard before going to church, and check how we were dresses, were we clean? were we ready for church.) Always she would ask if I had my petticoat on, and I would say no, and she would say get in that bedroom and get one on before you leave this house. She taught me a sense of pride in how I look - my hair, my dress, how to have good posture and carry myself like I was proud of myself. She taught me how to be thrifty with my money. Being frugile doesn't hurt anyone, except yourself if you are not. She taught me to always pay my bills. Other than my monthly master card I do not owe anything. I have had hardships in keeping up with the bills, but I have had to adjust my life to keep it that way. That is why I got roomers and boarders to live with me, and help me pay the monthly obligations that I had to do. It has not been an easy time having other people in my house, but I have had to be harsh and make it work for me. Mother taught me how to make do with what you have. She has taught me how to make bread. I always think of Mom when I make bread. I have decided it takes experience to make it. If you don't keep up the skill you lose it, cause the last couple of times I have made buns or cinnamon buns, they really didn't turn out, because I just don't do it enough anymore. Another thing mother taught me was to sew and quilt. She did love to sew for us girls and she quilted many many quilts in her days with the Relief Society ladies and at home for her grnadkids and her daughters. I think she made everyone of them a quilt before she left this world.

So Yes as I think of Mothers Day tomoorow I will be remembering our Mother who can now rest in peace, knowing that she did her work on earth and passed it on to her girls, and grandchildren, her principles and her teachings both.

I received a card from Paula and Garry and Ashley and Christoper. It says:

For a FULL -of-Fun Grandma

When we get together
it seems like
we're always laughing
And somehow you've got
all the time in the world
when it comes
to having a good time
with us.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's in the Family.


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