Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Wilson's Household

I keep watching this site every day for someone to write something about their family. Where are the blogs people!!!! We want to hear from you soon.

Ardell and I have been very busy trying to get the yard ready for winter time. Ardell has built a new flower bed to the east of the front steps and planted a whole bunch of fall bulbs in there for spring blooming. Ardell bought himself a leaf vaccuum, so that he could mulch up the leaves that fell off the trees and use them in the flower beds. He did that last Saturday and then watered them down into the bed good. Later he will cover the whole flower bed with plastic for the winter months -- just to keep out the squirrels we have in the neighborhood.

Paula just called me and told Grandma that Christopher lost his first tooth today. He is pretty excited because he is older than all his little friends. He must have good teeth to be 6 & 1/2 years old before the first one come out. I am sure the tooth fairy will be visiting their house tonight.

I have been very busy at work. It seems to be not letting up at all. I took this week as vacation. I really needed a good rest from the hussle and bussle of the office these days. I have worked a lot of over time, but find it doesn't really pay off. If I don't meet Ardell at the train at 4:30 pm, then he takes a taxi home from downtown and that costs too much money. He really doesn't mind, but it eats up my overtime that I get paid, so it really doesn't pay me much to work over time.

We had a good halloween. We didn't really have very many kids. I laughed at one little girl that came to the door all by herself, she must have been about three yrs. old. Ardell asked her what she was, and she said, "Paton". I am assuming that was her name. Her daddy was right behind her. I found that most of the kids were accompanied by a parent at least this year. I had a bag of candy bars and a box of chocolate bars, and we didn't go thro half of it. I am guessing at maybe 25 - 30 kids came. The doorbell only rang about five or six times. One little girl, Ardell asked her what she was and she said she was an anti-fairy. Another little girl was a dead bride. They are getting really creative with their costumes. It was nice to have the weather cooperate with the halloweening.

I am trying to finish my quilt that I am sewing for Annette and Brian. I have done a quilt top with 16 pictures of our friendship. Lester Ann embroidered two blocks for me on her new sewing machine. One says "To Annette & Brian" and the other says "From Ardell & Shirley". Annette came from a dairy farm when she was a young girl, so I am using the farm theme in the material between the pictures, with cows and chickens and horses and lambs. I hope to make it a queen size quilt. I started it some time ago and left it to the side, so this week I got it going again. I kind of lost interest in it, so thought while I am home this week I had better get it done before we go to Australia in March next year. We are going to visit Brian and Annette for our honeymoon. I wished we would have gone as soon as we got married, cause now the prices to fly are way up and now my savings are a way down.

We bought an air conditioning unit for the house for the hot summers, so that took a chunk out of the savings account.

Well with Remembrance Day coming up soon, I hope we all remember those are, and those who have been, fighting for our country to be a safe and happy land to live in. Tonight we will find out who will be the new president of United States, and hopefully the economy will rally once again. They tell us not to panick, our investments are down but will rally once again if we but wait out the storm. I hope it does, cause that is my retirement money they are playing around with.

Then we will all soon be getting ready for the Christmas season. I have decided that there is just way too much commercialism with the Christmas season, and I am not going to get all caught up in it. We will have a meager Christmas and leave it at that. We have way too much now so really don't need anything more. We are just looking forward to going to Australia for our trip and then will keep going on.

Hope this finds all the family well and remember we love you all.

Shirley & Ardell

1 comment:

The Family Called Hyde said...

Shirley: Lexie was born in July of that same year and hasn't lost any teeth yet either. She says she has a loose one, but it's still pretty solid looking! Hailey, however, has lost 3, and she's 9 months younger.