Monday, November 10, 2008


We are now in Arizona. We went swimming today. Not like Jill but swimming. The water was so..... warm

We stayed a week in Las Vegas as Lauren was there playing soccer. She was in the Mountain West conference. We weren't going to stay if she didn't win but she won her Wed game and so we stayed. It was very exciting. Her team was ahead and then just 30 or so sec before the end of the game the other side got a score. It was then OT and the lst OT about 27 seconds into the bame her team got a score. They won that one but then on Saturday they lost l to nil. We had a barbeque for her team on Wednedsay nite. It was good. Her team was second of the Mountain West conference. Lauren is just a freshman but always plays the game.

We left Maggie at Nickee's as we don't live in a pet area here. Ncikee was going to let us have Fox but he is Jordan's favourite and so we will leave him. Nickee has two (she had 3 ) dogs that were Scott's. She has been taking care of Fox, Maggie and Lola for a long time now. Maggie is a Bischon Friese , Fox is a Pomeranian. Lola is a Brussels Grifon. If you don't know what that is just look at ET and you will know. Her hair goes everywhich way and she is the cutust thing you've ever seen.

We drove here ib Sunday ti find everything just fine. We have worked all day cleaning and then Colleen and Floyd came to see us. We went swimming this afternoon too.

Brad and his kids are coming to Vegas for Christmas at Nickee's. We are going to Nickee's on the 10th of December to tend the dogs while they go to Haiwaii as a family for Ashely's graduation. Ashley is graduaing in December. She will be an accountant then.

Well better scoot. I love your entries.

love Marvelle (scribe for the Noble family)

1 comment:

Shirley Wilson said...

Why don't you give the dogs to David for the short time and you go to Hawaii to the graduation too. I think that is a good deal.
