Friday, August 3, 2007

Day Number four of Grandma Camp

Well, we had a much less stressful and quiet day today. We went to have our photos taken at 10:40 a.m. We got some really good ones and as we had them taken at Super Store, we will be able to pick them up tomorrow so I will post some of them for everyone to see. As we left Super Store and were on our way out to the van, a lady came up to me and gave the grandkids one of the nicest compliments. She said, "You have the most polite kids. Why, one of them just said "excuse me" to me. I have never heard a child that young say "Excuse me." before." I was really pleased and made sure that the kids all heard what she had said and praised them. (Not that they don't deserve it.)

From SS we went to the Dollar store and let them all shop. I told them they could each buy one thing and I would buy them each one thing. They spent a long time deciding and had a great time in the process. Then it was home for lunch and we had an UNBirthday Party for Sydney, Jordan and Peirce as we had had a Birthday party for Jill and Taylor the first night they were here. We just gave them each some silly little gifts and they were pleased as punch. Then in the afternoon we painted t-shirts. I must admit that took a lot of nerve on my part but we made it through. The clean up took longer than the process but we really had fun. Peirce's shirt was probably the best one. Funny how good they turn out when you just turn the kids loose. Sorry Moms, (Dawn and Gaylene) but it wasn't just the shirts that got painted. We had the kids little swimming pool set up on the front driveway and they decided to wash their brushes etc in there so we had to change the water and the water hose in the hands of kids is dangerous. After dinner we went out to supposedly clean up the mess and they had a good water fight. Colleen and Dave arrived about that time and I told them it was an "Enter at your own risk" situation. We did manage to get it all cleaned up though and then we decided to go to Stirling for ice cream. I don't know how many are aware that Stirling is Lethbridge's answer to Cochrane for ice cream. They are much cheaper though. The kids each had a bowl full of ice cream. There must of been two cups of ice cream in each and they cost $1.41. Ice cream cones the same size were 93 cents. Seven of us had more ice cream than we could eat and it cost just under $7.

So now they are all settled down and asleep and it is also time for Grandma to hit the hay. I will post some of the photos we had taken today when we get them back tomorrow.

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