by Marvelle Hyde-Noble
(written June 2, 2001 while serving in the Las Vegas mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Prayer has always been a very big part of my life. My father, Clarence Hyde, was a praying man and taught his children to pray. Family prayer was always in the morning, prior to breakfast, at the breakfast table with all kneeling beside our chairs. Never did I question the power of prayer and I always knew who I was talking to when we prayed. Never did I doubt that my Father in Heaven was listening and that he would answer my prayers.
I cannot recall putting prayer to the test until one day when I was seven years old. We lived in Rosemary, Alberta. I rode on a school bus every day. We got on the bus at about 8:00 am and arrived home at about 4:30 pm.
On the last day of school, I had gone on the bus and got my report card advising that I had passed from grade one to grade two. The teacher had also given everyone in the class an Uncle Wrigley book.* This was a book similar to a Peter Rabbit book today. Uncle Wrigley was a rabbit. The teacher also told us that the bus would take us home early that day. We were to get a half day off school because it was the last day.
While on the bus, a little friend of mine suggested that I continue on the bus and go to her place and play with her awhile. Following our play, I could walk home by using a short cut across the field and through the way back. It was only about a half mile that way. I never even thought of asking permission from my mother first and never gave it a thought that she might worry when the bus did not stop in front of our place when she saw it go by.
So I played with my little friend and when it was late and just about dark, I headed for home across the field to my house. I had stuck my report card in the Uncle Wrigley book so I wouldn't lose it. As soon as I opened the screen door Mother called out to me.
"Did you pass?"
"Oh yes," I replied.
"Well, let's see your report card then."
I opened my Uncle Wrigley book to the middle where I had put the report card, but it was gone! My heart sank. Questions flooded my mind. Would I be able to go into Grade 2 next year without my report card? Would I ever be able to go back to school again?
Mother walked into the room and could see by my face what had happened.
"Well, off you go," she said. "You will have to find that report card."
I walked back to the big open field I had just walked across. It was now starting to get real dark. The field had been flowed a few days before and big furrows where everywhere creating neat little cracks and crevices for the report card to be hidden in. I thought it impossible to find it. I dropped to my knees and prayed like I had never prayed before.
"Oh Father in Heaven, help me find my report card."
This was my first real prayer that I can remember. The rough dirt hurt my knees as I knelt there. I got up and walked not more than ten feet and there in the crevice of the floughed furrow lay my report card. I picked it up and once again dropped to my knees to thank my Heavenly Father for directing me to my report card.
It was dark when I opened the screen door again.
"Did you find the report card?" asked Mom.
"Yes," I replied.
It was many years later when I told mom how I had found my report card that day. Nothing is too small for the Lord to hear and answer our prayers. Always remember he listens and he will answer you. Listen to Heavenly Father's answers. He will help in any problem you may have.
*I could not find any Uncle Wrigley books after googling but did find Uncle Wiggily books.
-Dawn Ackroyd