Sunday, January 18, 2009

TGI almost M!!

I'm always so glad when Monday rolls around. Weekends are so exhausting!

Our kids had early dismissal Friday. Jill went to her friends and built an amazing fort and Peirce and I went to the Science center. We wandered around for a while and then went to the Sea Monsters movie again. AMAZING! His favorite sea creature now is the dolichorhynchops! (We just call her Dolly though)

Friday Allen and Peirce went with their friends to a Hitmen hockey game. Peirce and his friend Zac had a great time giggling and talking and cheering and stomping and eating and carrying on. Peirce really loves to watch hockey. (I'm just glad he doesn't want to PLAY hockey!) :0) Allen's manager asked Peirce while we were skating with them at Christmas time if he was going to be a hockey player when he grows up. Peirce responded quickly, "No. I'm a swimmer."

On Saturday I worked like a mad woman all morning trying to find shoppers for my last two shops. Then we hurried off to High River for a swim meet for Jill. (Still didn't have all my work done but lucky for me the High River rec center has free WiFii!! Thank goodness for laptops! A little uncomfortable as far as working space goes...but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?!)

Jill beat her time in 3 of the 4 races. She might have beat her best time in that one too but she didn't show up for the race. Oops! I guess that's why we go to lots of swim meets. There's lots to learn! Good thing she usually only makes the same mistake once. :0)

Saturday night Jill and I went to Stomp. It was so AMAZING!! You can read about that here.

On Sunday Allen had his first High Council speaking assignment....and he did a terrific job. I'm finding tricks to getting more people to come to choir: FOOD!! I walked around with a container full of puffed wheat squares and people would ask me what they're for or if they could have one and I'd say, "You sure can! Just come to choir!" We had our best attendance yet. I'm thinking next week I'll bring a crockpot of soup and some unbaked muffins and put the muffins in half an hour before choir starts....or do you think that'd be too devious??! NAH!!

Anyway, I'm sure glad when the weekend is over. The kids friends have gone home from their Sunday afternoon play dates, dinner's cleaned up, and I'm pooped!! Weekends are exhausting!!

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