Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Greetings from the Mighty Peace River Country

It is warm today. Only minus 9. Downright tropical!!

I got an email from Colleen and read her blog this morning and was very jealous of her and Dave and their cruise. That is also our favorite way to go.

***!!Happy Birthday to Clifford!!***
and a few words about him. He is the big brother we never had in our family until he joined us and I certainly love and appreciate him for all he does and for the wonderful big brother he is.
Hope you have a great day, Clifford. Lay in the sun by the pool for an extra few minutes for me and we will see you and celebrate your birthday in March.

You are now reading a blog written by the brand new Relief Society President in The Peace River Branch. The branch president here just doesn't take no for an answer. I thought I was off the hook when he said he would go back and rethink it but it didn't change his resolve. I felt bad, kind of like I had waltzed in and taken over. I worried that the women in the branch would feel that way but they are very accepting and some are downright thrilled that I would take the job. I went visit teaching last night to a little old lady an hour's drive away. She is the sweetest little lady and lives out in the middle of nowhere, kind of like 75% of the women here. So they really do need some new blood as the Primary Pres who went with me said. So I will be present and active as a RSP for about a month and then go down to Lethbridge to work for Brad for the summer and conduct the Relief Society affairs by email and conference calls.

Our phone number here for now is 780-624-8171. Give us a call. Gayle really missed talking with everyone just as I do. He says several times each evening, "See how boring it is when nobodyc calls."

Talk to you all later.

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