Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tired of the Drama

Monday the car got stolen (you can read about that on our Ackroyd family blog)

Yesterday Chico ate Peirce's sparkly playdough he made at his art camp....and the result was sparkly diahrrea (that's on the Ackroyd family blog too)

Today I left early to take Peirce to his art camp. We were really early so I decided to stop and wash the van. It is one of those car washes you use a wand for but you pull inside and there are a bunch of bays. After I washed the van it wouldn't start. There's good news though! There's a Minute Muffler right by the car we pushed the van over there and asked them to look at it. Turns out it needs a new starter.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow. Could someone else in the family take over the family drama department for me? I'm tired of it.


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