Monday, July 9, 2007

Hi thought I would just post on this blog my description of Scott's death. It is still hard but we are happy that he is home - at last.
#40. Jun 30th, 2007

Before I leave this blog I want to tell you all how very short life can be. I remember Scott as a baby. I think every mother thinks of her child when they were little. He was such a sweet baby. Fat little arms and legs. Then he grew up. You can't make them do what you want them to do when they grow up. I loved him just as I love my other children. I guess I always will. Be careful of what you do. Scott abused his body but was still a wonderful person of whom I was very proud. I am also proud of my other children too and my grandchildren.I wanted to leave my news until last and so I will tell you now. Clifford has decided we are moving back to Cardston. The old ties of home are pulling him back to his roots and I want to go with him. We are selling our place here and going to Cardston and buying a condo there. They are brand new and will be ready in about 4 months - the person who is selling and building them says anyway. We are building up near the Rodeo Grounds, Golf Course in Cardston. They are very nice. Two of my children live in Cardston and so I'm going to be close to them. They are Kelly LaRee Noble (died in 1965) and Scott Charles Noble who died just this month.Hope this finds you all well. Much love and affection to you all who have been so kind in our hour of Marvelle
Posted by Marvelle at 2:20 PM - No Comments Add a Comment

#39. June 39th, 2007

Dear All,As you can see I haven't written since June 8th, 2007. I didn't write for the next two days and because I was working on photos that I want to give out at Christmas. I was sitting at the table when my world, as I knew it, came crashing down on me. The phone rang. Clifford answered it and at first I was paying no attention but my head snapped up when he said "Nickee you've got to stop crying so you can tell me what's wrong". My first thought was 'someone has been in an accident' - thinking it was either Cam or one of the kids. But then I learned she was at Scott's house and he had been found dead.I was in shock. The first thing I thought of was suicide but I didn't think Scott would leave without saying 'goodbye' to me (even if he didn't tell me what he planned to do). Nickee was sitting out in Scott's driveway. The paramedics were inside working on Soctt and then they called the coroner. The coroner said it wasn't suicide as Scott's dinner or supper was still on the cupboard all ready for cooking. Vegtables (for a salad) were in the sink waiting to be washed. The coroner and Doctor said each had counted the pills in the medicine cabinet and they (the pills) were all there. Nickee had to wait in her car until they had finished their investigation. I was s9ck to my stomach. After they were finished the doctor told Nickee that it was either a heart attack or an anurism. What a mess. Nickee was crying for her 'Daddy to come right away'. We got a flight on Wednesday and flew down. Nickee also said to the Doctor "well can't I at least see him?" So Nickee identified the body as her brother. She said he was blue. Lying there on top of his bed like he was going to lay down for a nap. The TV going. (He always took long Sunday naps). He died Sunday - June 10th, 2007 sometime between 1:pm and 4:00pm.We took Brad with us. He was upset too. We had a funeral in Las Vegas in Nickee's ward and then flew the body back to Canada to be buried in the Cardston Family Plot. It was all very nice but a blur to all of us. We had a graveside service in Cardston and the funeral was held in Vegas. Alot of people came.

We are happy we have friends and our beloved family.

love Marvelle, Granny Belle and Auntie Belle

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