Friday, July 13, 2007

#1. Marvelle (July 13th, 2007)

Thanks Dawn for changing our web site. We all owe you.

We are fine. We go golfing every morning. On Monday,Wednesdays and Fridays, Clifford goes to the exercise room.

We are busy shopping for the stuff that is to go in our house.

We are having a good time and going on holidays on Sunday. We are going to the Hough Reunion in Utah at Bryan's place and then we are going to Baha, Mexico with Nickee who has rented a beach house in a gated community right on the ocean. Then we are going to Arizona where Floyd Smith has been ill. He had a Thyroid condition which made his thyroid swell up to five times it's size. He had that operated on and removed. 6 1/2 hour operation. Now they have found he has a cyst on his uthreathia tube and it the ureathia tube has wrapped around the cyst. He is still taking tests. We talked to him last night and he said he was in a great amount of pain.

So Clifford is going to go see him.

We are having lunch with Ken Todd today who used to work for us.

love Marvelle

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