Friday, June 27, 2008

Yeah, Summer Vacation

The Stewart Family

Ashley just finished grade 2 and will be heading to grade 3. She will start piano in the fall.

I had the kids registered at Sir Winston Churchhill pool for lessons. And it had a fire in it.

So, maybe we will try again this fall.

Christopher had his Kindergarden Grad on Thursday. They sang for all us parents.

And we all cried. My baby is going to be in School full time next year.

And will join his big sister in all day school. They are loving that they can see

each other at recess and lunch hour. And Now what will I do with all this new time

on my hands.

Christopher is a darling younge man. He makes me laugh.

Ashley loves to sing with me on the Rock Band wii. She loves to read books to me at night.

Garry started working for a small company called canex and then they were bought out

buy a big company called veritas. He worked for canex for 3-4 years. And then started with

veritas DGC. And they were globle. Now he's working for Divestco. INC. In the north East.

He has been working since April of 1994.

So, I can go have lunch with mom at deerfoot and 64th. At the ATB. or join Garry

at deerfoot and 32nd. for lunch. And he is much closer to home.

We have a new addition to Our family. Garry and I talked for years about having a dog.

So, Tuesday night after work We stop at a pet store. We were looking for a fish tank.

And I saw this little yellow lab in the window. So, I went to tell Garry. He said lets take it

in the back room and talk to them about her. I thought Garry would have said no, No dogs.

But, to my surprise he said Yes. And That night she came home with us. She is only 6 weeks old. And her name is Sierra Stewart. So, looks like I am puppy training for the summer. She was really good last night. She slept the till morning. She will grow up fast.

And will be a big lab. My mom thinks I am crazy.

We are heading for the lake July 12 till July 27th. And we might hit Cranbrook.

For a few days. Jeanne is going for day surgery. So, We want to be there for when

she gets out. And her recovery too.

Have a great and safe summer.

The Stewart Family.

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