A few years later, after our canoeing at Lake Bonavista, we had moved to Kelowna. The same dauntless pair went fishing on one of hte lakes nearby. Randy was far more experienced with the water, the boat and the best procedure to catch fish, so they boarded his new fishing vessel and off they went, both appropriately attired. Randy proceeded to pull all kinds of fish out of the water. Gayle's attempts were futile.
Finally, Gayle caught one! Even though it was small, he was so proud of it. He proceeded to attach his catch to the chain that was dangling over the edge of the boat and put there for this very purpose. This was their method of keeping the fish fresh until they left for home. As Gayle was trying to attach the fish to the chain, the fish slipped from his hands. He wasn't about to let that little sucker get away so he went over the fish. Frantically, he reached into the water and retrieved the little guy, but not before coming perilously close to tipping the boat, fishing gear, Randy and all into the water.
Randy yelled at the top of his lungs, "Jensen! If you tip this boat over, you are dead meat!".
Gayle didn't let Randy in on the plan, but there was no way he was going to tip that boat over. After all, he would have gotten wet as well and it was too far to swim to the shore. His attempts to keep his small bounty did, however, bring them dangerously close to that happening.
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