Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Storybook Theatre

The kids and I have been volunteering at Storybook Theatre. It's really fun!

The first play we volunteered at was called Harriet's Halloween Candy. It was a musical of sorts about a girl that LOVES Halloween and doesn't want to share her candy. We were ushers for this play. We did it on a Saturday and so we ushered, watched the play, got to have lunch with the actors, and then ushered again and watched it for the second performance that day. It was fun to see it two times. We really enjoyed the story and the kids have been singing the songs since!

Last Saturday Peirce and I volunteered at their Cookie Cabaret (we would have invited Jill but she had a swim meet that day). These are plays especially for 3-5 year olds. They're about an hour long and the actors interact with the audience quite a bit. The kids get to sit on the floor right at the edge of the stage. It's quite a lot of fun (although Peirce did tell me he's too old now for some of the action songs they make the kids baby is growing up!) This day Peirce and I got to work in the concession. Peirce LOVED it. He was in charge of scooping popcorn and having it ready for people to buy, and taking the money. He loves loves loves to sort money. We also got to have lunch with the actors that day. They were a really fun group and were very friendly with Peirce. He felt like one of the crew!

We're definitely planning to continue. Jill and Peirce both really enjoy theatre and like to be in plays. I'd like to sign them up for some of their classes - but they're usually on a Saturday and I am not sure we can commit every Saturday for such an extended period of time. Far too many swim meets in our life right now! One of our next adventures will be to be in the pageant at Heritage Park. The kids and I are going to be in it and we're going to be shepherds!! Stay tuned for pictures. :0)

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