Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jordan is the Champion

The Tai Kwon Do tournament was really something.
There were kids there from All over BC, Alberta and
Saskatchewan. I have never seen so many kids
dressed in white in their bare feet, full of energy and
anticipation and ready to preform. They are all very
well behaved as that is part of their training. Jordan
won his age division and we were so proud of him.
Her he is with his trophy. He has been sleeping with
it ever since they put it in his hand.

And the winner is Jordan Nelson!!

Here he is during his fight. He is wearing the red
Jordan with his teacher. He is quite an amazing man.
He is an 8th degree Black Belt. He is also a very accomplished
golfer. He he has been teaching kids for a very long time.
He was also Jordan's Uncle Troy's teacher.

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