Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Wilson's
Some of you probably don't know that Reg Kessler and Kessler Ranches have been supplying the rodeo stock to stampedes and rodeos around the world for years and years. Daddy worked for Reg Kessler breaking horses in Rosemary. Daddy also worked on the Knight Ranch in Raymond before Mom and Dad were married. Daddy was a real cowboy through and through. He loved breaking horses and wrangling cattle. When he got married he had to get a better job, but the horses were also his favorite. It was more fun than work for him.
He even loved his mule team that he broke the mules and trained them to pull his chariot. I will always remember the time he was working with his mules and we looked out and here come Daddy being dragged across the yard by the mules and the chariot and him yelling, "WHOA, WHOA" and the mules were running for the barn across the yard. His greatest joy was pulling the first load of grain through the new elevator at Claresholm when they opened their new grain elevator there. Lester Ann has the picture of his team of mules. Dad was so proud of his team of mules. They were very difficult to break for harnesses and the chariot, but Daddy perserveered and he made it. He hated to sell the team, but they just got to be too much for him. He was getting too old to work with the team.
I am sure he would have liked to be seating in the stands today watching the bull back riding, the saddle broncs and the bareback broncs. He also loved the girls barrel racing too.
I remember we always went to the Raymond Stampede on the July 1st, and watched their parade in the morning, then we would go eat Mother's picnic lunch of usually sandwiches, and watermelon and alway a new jug of rootbeer, that Mom had made at home. She used a syrup starter, and added yeast and water to it, and it would ferment and make rootbear that tasted just that A & W Rootbear. That was a tradition on July 1st. Then we always got to visit either at Still's or the Greep's house. Then back home to do chores by evening time. We always had so much fun at the Raymond Stampede.
Oh the memories of Daddy. I miss him so much.
Hope you all had a good weekend. Now it is back to work tomorrow. UGGGGH@@@!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Kenny was a very good looking boy. He was from the Gregus family from Barnwell, and not the Gregug family that lived close to us on the Red Trail in Taber. Anyway, as it turned out one day, Kenny sat in the very last row in my row in our classroom. Each week a monitor was assigned to pass out the papers for the day, collect the work papers and do special duties for the teacher, like wipe off the blackboards, take messages to the office and such. Well the particular week that I remember so well, I was the monitor for the row for the week. I always tried to get the attention of Kenny, so while I was passing out the papers for the day and I had come to the end of the row and completed passing out the papers, I took my dress and covered the skirt of my dress over Kenny's head. The teacher caught me and scolded me good and I had to stay in from recess for a week. Kenny Gregus was my boyfriend and I was only trying to get his attention to like me too.
I shall always remember Kenny Gregus for that.
Shirley Wilson
Friday, June 19, 2009
NOBLE NEWS #76 - Marvelle Reporter
Lately I've been trying You Tube. Any suggestions for me?
Shirley please send me your address again and Phillis Dorrie's address. Her invitation came back.
I am having an eye surgery Sept 1st. Hopefully I will be able to see better
love Marvelle.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Wilson Household
Jules worked all last weekend in the rain digging out the hole for the pond, then he went home to Vancouver for his cake celebration. Some of you may not know but Jules is a recovering alcoholic. He has been in the 12 step program with AA for the last four years. It all started out as being a cool teenager who thought it was cool to drink. He finally realized that his life was worth more than drinking. Each year after they have been with the program they have a cake ceremony. We have gone out to Vancouver for the last three years to be with him to celebrate with a barbeque at his house before the meeting and then we would go to the AA meeting with him. He had to buy the cake for serving at the meeting. That is why they call it his cake ceremony. This year we just could not afford to go after taking our trip to Australia, I didn't have any more vacation time to take. Maybe we will have to make an extra effort next year as it will be his 5th anniversary celebration. Instead of his old way of life, he has chosen to become a triathalonist and he has become very fit working out in the gym, at the boxing ring, in the pool and on his bike. For the last four years he has participated in the Triathelon of Compassion for the Women's Sexual Assault Centre in Victoria, B.C. He has raised over $10,000 in donations for the WSAC. This year he will again run the race, bike and swim on July 5th, 2009.
We really appreciated him coming out using his muscles to help dig the pond and we shall love him for that. He is a real good son to have.
So I am going to go out and enjoy our garden pond with the fish and the water fountain in it. Ardell has been real busy getting the garden planted and the back yard fixed up. It really looks good. If you would like to come and visit in our back yard, you are all welcome to come and see us.
We are looking forward to seeing all the family at Marvelle & Clifford's Anniversary on June 27th, so we will visit with you all at that time.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
He can do it!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Ardell and I enjoyed the summer weather in Australia for the month of March. We visited our friends in Wagga Wagga, but really didn't do all that much for the month. It was nice to just relax in the back yard at Brian's house. We went to the beach at Batesmans' Bay, but the cabins we rented were so run down, we only stayed for two nights and left again. I didn't feel that $900.00 per week was justified for what we had. The website showed the new pictures on it of all the cabins, but they must have been 20 years ago. They were actually mobile homes, I am not suppose to call them trailers, but they were so old and the bed was as hard as my kitchen table. I like a hard bed but that was a little much. It was like sleeping on the box spring instead of a mattress. Annette wasn't very accomodating with us either. We asked them to go out for dinner with us for our Anniversary, that was what we went to Australia for, was our honeymoon and to celebrate our 1st anniversary on March 15th, but she refused to go out for dinner. I told her not to worry, we were taking them out and we were paying, thinking they couldn't afford to go out, but she still refused. So Ardell wanted to go to Melbourne to see a girl he used to work with in Calgary in the Engineering field, so we hopped on the Greyhound Bus, booked a hotel in Melbourne and went to Melbourne the night before our Anniversary. I didn't want to drive because they drive on the left hand side of the road. I would have had an accident the first five minutes on the road, I am sure. I guess Annette didn't like that, because after that time, she was cold shoulder to us. She would take off in the one and only car for the whole day and go where she wanted to go, and didn't take us anywhere after that weekend. I wished we could have changed our tickets home and left, but we endured it till the end. She finally took me to a Target store, but if she went shopping she would ride her bike to town, just so I couldn't go with her. She had taken me swimming with her a couple of time until the last two weeks, she would even ride her bike to town to do that. Hey it didn't take me long to catch on to her shanningans. Ardell says now he is sorry he told Brian to marry her. She is a strange person. I will tell you more when we are in person, but the welcome was worn out at their house. I will never go back.
Now when we went to Melbourne, Kathleen was about our same age, and she was a wonderful person who couldn't do enough for us. She met us at the Greyhound station, which was across the city for her to come and pick us up, she took us to our hotel, came and met us for breakfast the next morning, did research for a restaurant to go out for dinner the next night. She drove us all around on Sunday morning and went to the Victoria Market, took a tram tour of the downtown city, took us out for dinner that night, took us back to the hotel, and retrieved us the next morning to take us to the Greyhound bus again. Just was a darling with us. We had so much fun with her, wished we could have spent more time with her. She is coming home to Canada in July to take her daughter back to Melbourne with her, and plans on buying a winery with her daughter and live there for good. June 5th she will be an Australian citizen. She is such a sweetheart. We hope to see her when she returns to Calgary this summer.
We were very glad to get home to Calgary and back to work, although I really didn't miss work.
I may just plan to retire sooner than planned.
Ok today Ardell and I changed our email addresses and went to Shaw for our emails. Our new addresses are and Make note of them in your email address lists.
We hope to see all the family at the 50th anniversary for Marvelle and Clifford. We look forward to seeing Nickee and Brad and all the Noble and Hyde families.
See you soon.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
NOBLE NEWS #75 - Marvelle Reporter
love Marvelle
Saturday, May 9, 2009
(I know that is the way Aunt Mary would start all her letters.) I do hope you are having the best birthday ever, cause this will be your last in the 60's group. Next one is the big 70 -----)))):
What can I say about Marvelle? She is my big sister and I would do anything she asked me to do, including sitting at the end of the plank while she sawed off the end of it and I went plunging to the ground, because the board was binding against her hand saw and she really needed me to sit on the end of the board, and I always did what she told me to do. So yeah I have a dent in my ego to prove it, but I laughed at the time, cause Marvelle got a lickin' with the saw. But I don't care, cause she is still my big sis.
Then there was the time that she took me under her wing and let me live with her family, while I was going to school in Cardston. I was so disappointed when they had to move to Foremost to live and left me in Cardston all by myself, but I still loved her for what she did for me. Then when I finished my Grade 12 in Cardston, Clifford made sure I had the job at the County of Forty Mile as their payroll clerk on the old bookeeping machine and I moved in with them again till I was married and moved to Calgary.
Then there was the time I went half way around the world alone by myself, trying to find Marvelle and Clifford in Ghana. I was so terrified. The airplane dropped us off on the tarmac at the Accra Airport and had us loaded on a bus to take us to the terminal. I had to get my luggage off the plane, get through immigration and customs all by myself. Clifford told me to get a porter to stay with me till I found them. So I paid a porter $5.00 American (near to being his annual salary in cedes). He stayed with me through immigration and customs then told me he could not go out of the customs area. So a supervisor came along and told me I had to pay for 4 porters to stay with me. I told him I would pay him $20 American to find me a porter who would stay with me until I got through the airport and find my sister on the outside of the airport. So I had to wheel my luggage down a big long ramp in the darkest night I had ever seen. The night was black, the people were black and I could not see. Their street lights are little kerosene lamps on th side of the so called streets. It was the thrill of my life, when I heard Marvelle screem -- OH There she is ---- Shirley over here!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt her love in her scream. Marvelle and Clifford showed me around Ghana and all the wonderful church people there. All the people loved Marvelle's sister. They all wanted me to take them home with me. A few of them even tried. One in particular, Charles wanted me to help pay for his daughter Mavis schooling. I did send her money after my visit to Ghana, but then she wanted me to bring her to Canada. I could not be responsible for that, so I quit sending her money. One of the men in Koforidua wanted me for his wife -- I would be his third but much to my not desiring of sharing with two other wifes, didn't think that was such a good idea. I cherish the memories I have of Ghana though. We had so much fun and I have lots of picture to prove it. The trip was the highlight of my life.
I really appreciate all that Marvelle has done for me in my life. She was stood by me when I have cried and when I have laughed. She was my rock during my divorce and she supported me all the way through.
I even loved her when I was a little girl and she would chase me with a garter snake or an earth worm or a lizard in the cellar.
She is still by BIG SIS' and I love you to death.
Have a Happy Birthday, and we will see you on June 27th for your anniversary. I am looking forward to seeing all our family and friends then.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
NOBLE NEWS - #74 Marvelle Reporter
love Marvelle
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I am looking for a bread slicing guide. If anyone comes across one in your travels, please let me know where I can buy one. What it is, is a box you place your newly baked bread in and it has guides to slice the whole loaf at once and then place the cut pieces in a bag or a bread keeper. I have found some on the net but am liary about buying off EBay. I called a bunch of stores around Calgary who I thought would carry them, and they just are not a popular item in kitchen wares any more. A couple of clerks at least knew what I was talking about.
Then today I decided to make a loaf of bread with flax, oat meal and rye flour and guess what??? It flopped. I don't think the yeast even rose a bit and it is hard as a rock. I think the birds will be thankful for that loaf. Then I started a new loaf after dinner tonight and it is smelling sooooooooo goood right now. I can hardly wait for the cycle to finish so I can have a slice of hot bread and butter.
If any of you want a real good recipe, I have one now for you to try. It has whole wheat flour, multi grain, and 10 grains in it. It is really good. I think I will stick to one recipe for now, now that I know it works. I love the more grains I can get in a loaf of bread. To go back to eating white bread is like eating paper now. Why I even have Paula eating grainy bread too, and I thought that would never happen.
I called Marvelle today, just because I haven't heard from them for a long time. The Nobles are all coming to Calgary tonight for Adam's home coming tomorrow at church. It sure doesn't seem like it has been 2 years since Adadm left on his mission. So WELCOME HOME ADAM. Marvelle is going to try to come and visit with us tommorrow on their way back home.
We bought a new lazy boy chair for Ardell today, so now I want to rearrange the furniture in the living room and put the couch over to the other wall and put our two lazy boy chairs in front of the TV for watching TV. Today is Appreciate Husband day, so I bought my husband a new chair for just being so nice. I really appreciate him. He is wanting to do so much around the house and gardens this year. We just bought a new garden arch to try to get the climatis to grow up and around. We bought some upside down tomato planters, we are going to try any plant some tomatoes this year. We want to make more garden planters in the back yard. Ardell built one in the front yard last year and has fall bulbs planted in it. We are going to start a compost and use the compost on the gardens. So all our kitchen waste is going to go into the compost now.
Hope this finds all the family well and if you are ever in Calgary and need a bed come and see us for sure.
Love to all.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Our fun Weekend
Then we sent swimming for two hours and got back home and the buns had risen again and we baked the two cookie sheets of buns in the oven. As soon as they come out of the oven both Ashley and Christopher wanted one. So they ate one each. Then after they had their supper Ashley ate three more and wanted more. She thought they were so delicous.
It is amazing to watch the grandkids watch you do something they have never seen done before and be so interested in the making of Grandma's Cinnamon buns. We just had to tell the whole family about of experience. It turned out to be a fun day with the grandkids.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Our trip to Wagga Wagga
We went to a Victory Market in Melbourne and I bought sovenirs there very cheap. I enjoyed shopping there, but I just could not walk so much that day and there was no where to stop and rest in the market.
We did go to the ocean and stayed for three nights in the cabins I told you about. They were a dive. They were trailers homes not cabins. We paid over $1.50 per night, so we only stayed three nights and went home. There were no restaurants around. One night Ardell wanted fish and chips so we went to a take away shop and got the most horrible fish and chips we have ever had. We asked for ketchup and they call that tomato sauce. They didn't have any of that. We did get some vinegar for our chips, but no tartar sauce or anything for them. They were horrible. We never did get to eat any sea food. We were told in Melbourne that lobster is $500 per person, so we didn't go there. Annette and Brian flatly refused to go out for a dinner, so she cooked for us at home the whole time we were there. If we did go out for a day trip she packed sandwiches for us on the road.
I found the Australian women to be very dramatic and out of this world. When they talk, it is not big it of tremdous, and if something happens to you, it just awful. We really should have only gone for three weeks and not the whole month. We did have a restful time sitting in the back yard and enjoying the birds come and eat apples off the tree in the back yard.
We will tell you more about it all when we see you. The flights were very long. We took a small plane from Wagga Wagga to Sydney. That was 1 1/2 hrs long. Then the flight to San Francisco from Sydney was 14 hours long. Then we had a 7 hr lay over in San Francisco. Then another 3 1/2 hours flight to Calgary. So we were glad to be home and in our own bed last night. We never slept at all on the flights so were were over tired when we got to bed at home.
Beth & Ryan - sorry we have missed the baby shower and the blessing. I hope you had a good time. We will be anxious to see Axel when you come to Calgary.
We missed all our family and especially the grandkids. I guess Christopher kept asking Paula where her mom was. Ashley missed us and the kids made a sign "Welcome Home Grandma and Papa" to hold up at the airport when we got home. It was sure cute.
Ok love you all.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Mark Your Calenders!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
NOBLE NEWS - #74 Marvelle Reporter
Helen went to visit her cousin for the first few days and then we went to the Grande Canyon. If we had known previously it was so wonderful we would have gone earlier. La and Gayle are coming down at the end of this month and you should go. We went on a Jeep Tour. And it was very good. We left the hotel at 8:00am and didn't get back until 7:00pm. It was very good. We drove home and then the kids had to go back on the plane on Sunday so the time passed vert quickly.
We sold our home down here and have to be out by the 16th as I have doctor's appointments on 1st of April. We are going to go to Nickee's for a few days. I don't think Gayle and LA can do it without us but they will giv4 it a try.
Shirley has gone to Australia. Jessey is supposed to be going for six months right away.
Well will go for now. We love our Shirley's posts. Keep up the good work, Shirley.
Vadnais and Sommerfeldts came before that. It was great.
Bye for now.
love Marvelle
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sydney's Baptism
Neil was blown away by Syd's request. When Gaylene asked him, he said, "I'm speechless." Ryan did speak. He did a really good job in his talk on Baptism. Then Dawn gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and it was amazing. She must get her gift of gab from her mom and her knowledge and ability to say the things that are so down to earth, appropriate, and just what we needed to hear. There were about 50 people there, we had a nice lunch after the baptism, and it was just a beautiful day. Believe me, were very proud, parents and grandparents. That is what Gayle calls a parent's pay day.
I made a baptism towel for her with her name and the date as I have done for all our grandkids. I was looking for something to embroider on the towel, like a picture, or a quote or a scripture. I looked through all the normal sources and found nothing that I really liked so I wrote the following poem for her amd embroidered it on her towel.
Sydney's Baptism Day
I'm making sacred covenants on My Baptism Day.
As I step into the water I am "Choosing the Right" way.
I promise to follow Jesus and to remember Him
And by keeping his commandments I will be free of sin.
Then if I but do my part His promise will be mine.
He will forgive me and a helper will be with me all the time.
The helper he will send is the Holy Ghost
And I can live with Him forever.
That's the promise I love most.
Love from: Grandma Jensen
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
We will have to take pictures with her and her medals to show Jill Ackroyd for sure. Annette will be in the Olympics next we hear. She swims every day, so I will be going with her alot to swim while I am there.
This morning we are packing and getting ready to go. I just have to work Monday to Thursday, then on Friday till 10:30 am. and then I am done for the next month at work.
I have been up to Edmonton 6 times in the last two months. I am an alternate on the Negotiating Committee with AUPE Union, negotiating the new flex benefits and a new service agreement. It is very interesting but the driving to Edmonton back and forth is very tiring when you are alone and the roads were icy. This last trip was touch and go, I just about stayed over night in Red Deer, but decided to continue on and got home by 6 pm. We usually stay at the new Hampton's Inn on 100th Avenue & 170th St. close to the AUPE office, but this last trip we had to stay at the Executive Royal Inn. It wasn't as nice a hotel as the Hampton's and the staff at Hamptons knew us by name, so they made us feel so comfortable. The Hampton's have a very nice continental breakfast too which we liked. The service in the restaurant at the Royal Inn was the pits. It took over an hour to get a steak cooked.
The negotiations are going good. They start meeting with ATB on Monday. As I am only an alternate to the committee, I don't have to go again unless someome cannot make the meetings. I didn't want to be on the committee as a member, because I knew we would be away in March, so I let my name stand for alternate. I hope by the time we get home from Australia the negotiations will be over and done with and I won't have to go again till fall for the convention.
I don't think these new Flex Benefits will fly with the membership. It is hard enough for the committee to understand them, let alone the ordinary member. You can't really figure out what one would be paying for the benefits, so it is hard to know if you want them or not. All ATB keeps telling us is the glorified benefits we can pick and choose, but people don't realize that all that costs the employee more money and the employer will pay less. The real clincher is the life time maximum cap on orthodontics is $5,000. So the premium to cover orthordonics cost you more and what does $5,000 buy you at an ortho office. Not much. Maybe a visit or two. Then on prescriptions for a single person, every prescription you take to the pharmacy to fill, there will be a deductible of $7.00 per prescription and $11.00 for an employee with two or more persons on your benefit plan. Well I have 6 prescriptions that I get filled every three months, so that will cost me $66.00 every three months, which is $264.00 a year deductible for just my prescriptions, not including Ardell's prescriptions. Plus I pay a premium for the prescription benefits. Mind you my pills alone would cost over $568.00 every three months wihout the coverage I have now. So people are going to have to be very careful when they decide what coverages they want to take. The problems is the younger employees really don't care, until they see the deductions on their pay cheque and the older members will suffer just as much too.
So it is the same old story, the employer will pay less and the employee will get socked in the teeth.
Well I have more packing to do, so better get at it before the day is gone here.
Love you all,
See you when we get back March 27th.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
NOBLE NEW #74 - Marvelle Reporter
$32,000. in Canada. Then Carole and Ted Sommerfeldt and now our family is coming. We are very excited. We are leaving for home the middle of March as I have two doctors appointments on April lst. Will write again. Shirley you are a great writer. Keep it up. You will be going to Australia in March. Just a few more sleeps. For your honeymoon. I phoned you last night but Ardell said you were in Edmonton on union business. See ya soon.
love Marvelle
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I remember well the day Paula was born. It was a miriad of emotions for me being a new mother and the responsibility of raising a child. We really didn't know until she was born what the baby would be. It was very different in my life to have a baby that was mine 24 hours a day. Paula was a very good baby. She loved to eat and sleep and was very good. She grew fast and poof it is 35 years later. At an early age Paula became a very good little Mother for Jody. She mothered him all her life.
When it came time to marry and start a family of her own, she was very well prepared. I remember a friend of Garry's commenting on how Paula could cook. She knew how to prepare a meal with meat, potatoes and vegetables. She like to bake and did well at all her cooking. She provides health meals for her Garry, Ashley and Christoper and always watches what they eat to be sure it is healty for them.
I do remember one time she was only a young teenager and she wanted to surpise me and make a cake for supper. She called me at the office to ask if she could make a cake. I told her to get a cake mix out of the cupboard and just follow the directions on the package. She did that and when I got home she said the cake was still cooking. She had cooked it and cooked it but it still was not done. When I looked into the oven the cake was still like soup and it had been in there for well over an hour. I asked her what she did wrong. The package said to use 1/3 cup of oil and she miss read it as 3 cups and so the cake did not turn out. We made another cake for supper and it was just as good. She has never lived that one down.
I am very proud of Paula and her little family. Ashley and Christoper are developing into very good children and individuals let me tell you. Ashley went to her Jelly Bean dance last night and invited Grandma to come along. So I went and they all had so much fun, with their light sticks and light necklaces and such. They had treats for the kids and very nice gift baskets to win as doorprizes. The DJ was really good and the kids all had such a good time.
So Happy Birthday Paula, and many more.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Dawn
I remember well the day Dawn came into this world. Lester Ann and Gayle were so proud of their little bundle of joy. She was all pink and cuddly. I was always disappointed that Dawn looked so much like the Jensen side of the family, but low and behold as she is getting older I can't believe she is looking so much like Lester Ann. Your picture of you and your missionary companion on the lawn by the church, I would have sworn it was Lester Ann standing there.
WOW you do look like your mom.
It is scary when we look so much like our moms. I too look like Nanna, especially when I get my hair permed so short and curly. It scares me to look into the mirror and see myself. I always think it is MOTHER.
Well Dawn have a wonderful day on your Birthday, and go get pampered all you like. You deserve it.
Happy Birthday and Many more.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Well I hope you get waited on hand and foot on this your special day, and I am sure you are getting razed about it being such a BIG BIRTHDAY!!!! as you all know he is the BIG 7 0!!!!!
Clifford you can't be that old. It just doesn't seem possible. But then I just turned the BIG 6 0, so I am not too far behind you. But then age is only a number, you are still very young looking and kind of cute at that. Have a great day and ENJOY!!
One month today we will be gone to Australia. It is just waiting out the month here and filling up the suitcases to get on that plane and we are OFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to Wagga Wagga.
Can't wait to go and Brian and Annette are waiting with baded breathe for us to get there also.
Greetings from the Mighty Peace River Country
I got an email from Colleen and read her blog this morning and was very jealous of her and Dave and their cruise. That is also our favorite way to go.
***!!Happy Birthday to Clifford!!***
and a few words about him. He is the big brother we never had in our family until he joined us and I certainly love and appreciate him for all he does and for the wonderful big brother he is.
Hope you have a great day, Clifford. Lay in the sun by the pool for an extra few minutes for me and we will see you and celebrate your birthday in March.
You are now reading a blog written by the brand new Relief Society President in The Peace River Branch. The branch president here just doesn't take no for an answer. I thought I was off the hook when he said he would go back and rethink it but it didn't change his resolve. I felt bad, kind of like I had waltzed in and taken over. I worried that the women in the branch would feel that way but they are very accepting and some are downright thrilled that I would take the job. I went visit teaching last night to a little old lady an hour's drive away. She is the sweetest little lady and lives out in the middle of nowhere, kind of like 75% of the women here. So they really do need some new blood as the Primary Pres who went with me said. So I will be present and active as a RSP for about a month and then go down to Lethbridge to work for Brad for the summer and conduct the Relief Society affairs by email and conference calls.
Our phone number here for now is 780-624-8171. Give us a call. Gayle really missed talking with everyone just as I do. He says several times each evening, "See how boring it is when nobodyc calls."
Talk to you all later.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Cruising is awesome!
We did something new this year....we went swimming with the dolphins. I have to say we both loved it and will remember it for a long time. We got a video and lots of pictures. It was a great experience.
I also got well acquainted with the security and fire folks on the ship. I set off the smoke detector in our room twice. It is a really dumb the way it's designed. They have it right above the vanity, where women sit to do their hair. My curling iron kept setting it off. And I flooded our bathroom once, when I was showering. The drain wasn't working...not a really big deal. But when I finished the shower, it had overflowed out into the rest of the bathroom. Let's just say I was well acquainted with maintenance then too. What the hell....if you have to be has to be.
It's good to hear from everyone and know that you are all doing well and weathering out this cold winter. Marvelle: we are all really jealous and wish we could come live with you for the winter. It has been a very cold year at home! When we got home Sat. night from Ft. Lauderdale, it was -23 here. You really forget how cold that can be!
One lady from Florida said to us that she didn't know if she wanted to go home, because it was cold there this year. When I told her that I'd think of her, as I shovelled our snow, she was kinda quiet after that! Cry me a river!
We missed our kids. It's always good to go away, but even better to come home to those that you love. Alyssa was really funny yesterday. I think she had her arms around Papa's neck for an hour and wouldn't let him go. She really missed her Papa. When we called them last Sunday, she thought we were home and she could come over. When she realized we were still in Florida and had another week on the ship, she wouldn't even talk to us. Too funny.
Well, come see us, when you can. We are looking forward to our next family event....Ryan and Beth's baby comes in March. We can't wait to see our little guy!
Love to all,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
TGI almost M!!
Our kids had early dismissal Friday. Jill went to her friends and built an amazing fort and Peirce and I went to the Science center. We wandered around for a while and then went to the Sea Monsters movie again. AMAZING! His favorite sea creature now is the dolichorhynchops! (We just call her Dolly though)
Friday Allen and Peirce went with their friends to a Hitmen hockey game. Peirce and his friend Zac had a great time giggling and talking and cheering and stomping and eating and carrying on. Peirce really loves to watch hockey. (I'm just glad he doesn't want to PLAY hockey!) :0) Allen's manager asked Peirce while we were skating with them at Christmas time if he was going to be a hockey player when he grows up. Peirce responded quickly, "No. I'm a swimmer."
On Saturday I worked like a mad woman all morning trying to find shoppers for my last two shops. Then we hurried off to High River for a swim meet for Jill. (Still didn't have all my work done but lucky for me the High River rec center has free WiFii!! Thank goodness for laptops! A little uncomfortable as far as working space goes...but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?!)
Jill beat her time in 3 of the 4 races. She might have beat her best time in that one too but she didn't show up for the race. Oops! I guess that's why we go to lots of swim meets. There's lots to learn! Good thing she usually only makes the same mistake once. :0)
Saturday night Jill and I went to Stomp. It was so AMAZING!! You can read about that here.
On Sunday Allen had his first High Council speaking assignment....and he did a terrific job. I'm finding tricks to getting more people to come to choir: FOOD!! I walked around with a container full of puffed wheat squares and people would ask me what they're for or if they could have one and I'd say, "You sure can! Just come to choir!" We had our best attendance yet. I'm thinking next week I'll bring a crockpot of soup and some unbaked muffins and put the muffins in half an hour before choir starts....or do you think that'd be too devious??! NAH!!
Anyway, I'm sure glad when the weekend is over. The kids friends have gone home from their Sunday afternoon play dates, dinner's cleaned up, and I'm pooped!! Weekends are exhausting!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
From the Jensen House (where ever that is!!)
Christmas was great. With the funeral being on the 19th. that made it so Neil could just stay for Christmas. It was great having him here. It made it so we were all there at Gaylene's on Christmas day. Every one completely spoiled everyone and we discussed cutting back on all the presents, etc. We are considereing doing something different next Christmas. Don't know what yet, but we need to change the program. We could all go on a nice trip for what we all spent.
Gayle and I went back to Lethbridge on Christmas night and spent two days putting Christmas away and cleaning house so I could leave with him and come up to Peace River. Does that statement bring back shades of mother????? Oh well, I couldn't have people coming in to water my plants and seeing a dirty messy house. So we left on Saturday the 28th, stopped and spent some time with Colleen and Dave and then drove on to Edmonton. That made the rest of the trip to Peace River much more manageable.
It has been COLD here but since Tuesday it has been much nicer. It gets warm and there is no wind so it is very bearable. It is downright pretty with all the snow and the warmer weather. On Monday we took Gayle to Grande Prairie to a Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. He said the polyp in Gayle's nose is a symptom of allergies. That surprised us as we weren't aware that he had any allergies. It does make sense though as he has been struggling with skin eruptions for about a year now. He saw a Dermatologist here in PR and he said it could be allergies too. So now we have to just figure out what he is allergic to and take the appropriate action.
Going to Church here has been most interesting. The first sunday I was here the Branch President pulled me into his office and called me as the RSP. I about fainted. When I told him I didn't plan to be here full time, he said, "Well we can work with that. You just call two good councillors and they carry the load when you are away." He said to go home and pray about it as he had been doing that and my name kept coming back to him. So I came home and worried about it for a week, prayed about it and got nothing but the stupor of thought. I feel guilty about turning it down. I have never done that before in my life. But the next sunday when I gave him a schedule of when I planned to be here and when I planned to be at home, he said, "Maybe I better go back and rethink it all." I was relieved but still felt bad for them. There were 7 women in RS on Sunday. They have the presidency and teachers on their board. That is it. I told him I would help them all I could but I didn't want to be a lame duck president.
So I have lots of time on my hands but I am keeping busy. I brought back all the Jensen family photos after the funeral and I am scanning and organizing them. I eats up the time really well. I also brought my sewing machine so I could hunker down and just enjoy myself. A sister called me yesterday and I went visiting teaching with her. That was nice. I enjoyed it.
So how and what is everyone else doing. We sure are looking forward to going to Phoenix in March. Taylor is really excited too. It should really be fun.
Talk to you all later.
Love from
LA and Gayle
noble news #73 - Marvelle Reporter
Then Brad had quite a kerfuffle in going home. We took him to the airport along with Dustyn and Julia and left them there just about noon on Monday. When we were at the show (at 8:00pm) Brad called to tell us they could leave Vegas but couldn't land in Great Falls as the runway was too slippery. So we went to pick them up. They stayed at Nickee's and left the following morning. The weather was bad when they got to Great Falls but they managed to get where they were going.
Nickee had a dinner on the Sunday after Christmas. We had gone down to their place Christmas Day, then Brad came on the 26th and left on the 29th.
We have been having a ball down here. I guess Bonnie had to go home for her health care was in Alberta. She had a bad stomach ache and then it was diagnosed as a bad stomach. Too bad. Anyway we have been going to exercise and then swimming in the afternoon. It has been wonderful.
In January the Vadnais and Sommerfeldts are coming. In February Brad and Helen and then in March Lester Ann and Taylor, and Gayle are coming. Vadnias are going to Mexico for his teeth, Ted and Carol come each year as does Brad and Helen. The Jensens are coming to see the ball games and then we are going home. Have a good time in Australia. Brad's son Jessey is supposed to be going to Australia for six months as as soon as he has enough money to go. He is going with a friend whose Aunt lives there.
Well will go for now.
love Marvelle
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Years News at the Wilson's House
I had to go to Edmoton on Monday and Tuesday for Union meetings. It was a nightmare of a drive uo to Edmonton on Sunday. It was blowing snow from Ponoka all the way into Edmonton. When I got to Leduc it was an absolute whiteout from Leduc into Nisku. Then I went to the wrong hotel and tried to book into the West Harvest Inn and was supposed to be at the Hampton's Inn. All night Sunday the wind blew and the snow blew too, so we didn't venture too far from the hotel, just for meals. The meetings were good but the roads home were still bad. I have never seen the wind blow so bad as up there, and they says Southern Alberta is bad for wind.
I talked to Uncle Ivan but he didn't know who I was. He thought I was a neice but he didn't know which one, so then I got Frieda on the line and we had a good visit by phone. I would have like to gone and visited with them but it was just too cold to go anywhere., so I stayed at the hotel.
Now I have to go back again on the 26th again for one day of meetings. So other than that we don't have too much news. I am sick and tired of the cold weather. Today it is finally half decent weather. I think it was about 8 degrees this afternoon.
Well I sure hope you all get back to blogging once again, so I look forward to all your news since Christmas time.
Chow and all the Best in the New Year to everyone.
Shirley Wilson